Paving Stone Stair Treads

What are stair treads?
Simply put, a stair tread is step made of various materials and sizes. Are all stair treads made equal? Absolutely not. All our precast stair treads have been superiorly designed for better traction,  strength, and durability. Our unique dry cast method has created a stair tread which has exhibited peak flexural strength performance. We provide various sizes ranging from 33-54” with a 3” thickness to provide the best safety presentation. So why use stair treads in your project?

Intro Stair treads:
Stair treads are a wonderful addition to many commercial/residential projects that require a vertical transport method that provide safety and reliability. The versatility of stair treads is incredible when realizing the various systems in which they are utilized. They are used as open riser stair treads, closed riser stairs, cantilevers and spiral stairs. The possibilities are endless. But what ARE  precast stair treads?!
Open Riser Precast Stair Treads
Open Riser treads create a wonderful solution for safe, durable, and appealing stair step options for a multitude of settings. Think of a staircase but risen to add a level of specialty and safety by increasing visibility that would in turn be obstructed by linear security. Some major settings for open treads are within businesses, apartment complexes and even a crafty homeowners  wheelhouse. Many choose open riser stair treads because they provide a sleek, modern aesthetic, are versatile in support design and have the ability to let natural light show through.
Closed Riser Precast Stair Treads
Closed stair treads are very customizable since they don’t have to be constructed with an open space “rise”. The space within each tread is filled with a variably sized vertical panel, which averts visualization of the space between steps. Using a linear support provides a more traditional look, which some favor. This style is often used in older and more conventional buildings.

Cantilevers are a specific type of stair tread support system to produce a minimalistic aesthetic.
The stair tread is generally reinforced by an individual 4 inch to 6 inch joist which can be welded independently. The main advantage to cantilever stair treads are the modernistic and sleek look it provides.

Spiral Stair Treads
Stair treads can be used in a spiral staircase, which many seek out whether for building space requirement or the simple, yet unique aesthetic. The great aspect about spiral stair treads is they give option to use open riser precast treads or closed riser precast treads depending on the individual’s goals.

Safety Details:
As requested, MTI has performed flexural strength of a concrete stair tread using a simple beam with center point loading on the sample referenced below. The testing was performed in  accordance with current standards indicated below.

The results obtained in our laboratory as follows: